Monday, June 2, 2014

A Quick [and Hard!] Workout

I came up with this because I wanted to get in a hard workout but I had to skip the gym when my son was being fussy. It's a push workout (movements that involve pushing motions) that will get your heart rate hiked and work your whole body. Promise, this'll help your fitness endure.

Time: 10 minutes or less

Moves: burpees 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 supersetted with shoulder press (keep your core tight and don't arch your back!) 20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2
The numbers are your reps. So do 10 burpees and follow it immediately with 20 shoulder presses then 9 burpees and 18 shoulder presses, 8 burpees... you get the idea. Set your timer for 10 minutes and shoot to finish the workout before the alarm goes off. Each time you do the workout try to do it faster.

Photo courtesy of

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